This study proposed the creation of an algorithm for the elaboration of a midsole customized by functionalparameters and generative systems, with production through digital manufacturing. The computationalresources used are the Rhinoceros® program and the Grasshopper® extension. The primitives are given in a".asc" format for the plantar pressure distribution test; the position of the insole sensors (.jpeg); 3D geometryof the midsole parameterized from the outline of a common insole. The developed algorithm operates byconverting midsole geometry (brep) into point cloud complemented with a point cloud based on the positionof the sensors and the remapped values of maximum pressure into integer numbers. Voronoi 3D componentcell structure is generated by the overlapping point clouds. Based on the incorporation of an external algorithm,it was possible to obtain an open cell mesh structure. The digital manufacturing of the geometry was testedthrough three-dimensional printing similar to the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) process in rigid lactic acid(PLA) and flexible thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). It was observed in the model printed on flexible materialthat the increase in the density of cells in the regions of greater pressure contributes to the increase in localstiffness, which may imply the individualization of the functional requirements of footwear. Nine customizationpossibilities are presented by changing three different variables, related to the density of points of the basegeometry and the conversion of pressure values. The third variable was the thickness of the final structure as afunction of the volume scale and faces of the three-dimensional cells generated by the 3D Voronoi. It isconcluded that the import of real data from biomechanical testing for parametric modeling in Grasshopper®could contribute to the design of shoes individualized by the aesthetic and functional requirements of eachconsumer.
Kuwer Bugin, L. A., Machado Fagundes, C. V., Miotto Bruscato, U., & Alves Cândido, L. H. (2020). Exploration of data-driven midsole algorithm design based in biomechanics data and Voronoi 3D to digital manufacturing. Design e Tecnologia, 10(21), 01–10.
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