The experiment: to sit under a tree with a glass of wine and to write. To play with words and to attempt to write without purpose beyond the transience of the writing act itself. What would such an event produce? Is there a monstrous vitality made available in the immanence of such an act, or would I simply succumb to my standard writing practice: prepare the abstract, gather the literature, frame the methodology, analyse the data, discuss the findings and offer concluding thoughts? As I grapple with trying to write with Deleuze, I find myself continually returning to the striated and tightly regulated space of academic writing. How can I make use of radical immanent vitalism on the one hand, yet structure my papers in ways that speak to the humanist project of rationality, stability and order? This chapter is my attempt to produce writing that moves a little more towards writing that flows and away from writing that is captured by the academicwritingmachine.
Riddle, S. (2018). An experiment in writing that flows. In Writing with Deleuze in the Academy: Creating Monsters (pp. 61–71). Springer Singapore.
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