Daerah Penelitian terletak di perairan Papela dan sekitarnya yang merupakan bagian dari Selat Rote yang secara administratif merupakan wilayah dari Kabupaten Rote-Ndao, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Di daerah penelitian pada 40 lokasi telah dilakukan pengambilan sedimen dasar laut dengan pemercontoh comot, deskripsi megaskopis dan analisis besar butir. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis sedimen, sebaran sedimen dan lingkungan pengendapannya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis besar butir nomenklatur sedimen di daerah penelitian dijumpai 4 jenis sedimen yaitu: kerikil, pasir, pasir lanauan, lanau pasiran dan lanau. Sebaran kerikil terdapat di dua tempat, yaitu di utara dan selatan tepian daerah penelitian.Sebaran pasir mencapai kurang lebih 30 % dari luas perairan penelitian, pasir lanauan menutupi kurang 5 % dari luas perairan penelitian, lanau pasiran mempunyai sebaran kurang lebih 30 % dari luas perairan daerah penelitian dan sebaran lanau terdapat di muka muara sungai bagian dalam Teluk Papela dengan tutupan kurang lebih 5 % dari luas perairan penelitian.Kata kunci Sedimen permukaan dasar laut, analisis besar butir, sebaran sedimen, perairan Papela The study area is located in Papela waters area and that is part of the Rote Strait, administratively is a region of Rote-Ndao regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. The method of research conducted is sampling seafloor sediments, megaskopis description and analysis of the grain size. The study area is located in Papela waters area and that is part of the Rote Strait, administratively is a region of Rote-Ndao regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. The method of research conducted is sampling seafloor sediments, megaskopis description and analysis of the grain size. The purpose of research is the grain size analysis of seabed surface sediment to determine the type of sediment, sediment distribution and depositional environment. Based on nomenklature sediment grain size analysis result in the study area was found four types of sediments , there are: gravelly, sand, silty sand, sandy silt and silt Distribution of gravel found in two places, namely on the north and south banks of the study area. Distribution of sand reaches approximately 30% of the water area of research, silty sand covering approximately 5% of the water area of research, sandy silt has spread approximately 30% of the total water area of research and distribution of silt contained in the inner face of the Gulf estuaries Papela with cover approximately 5% of the water area of research. Keywords: Surficial sediment, grain size analysis, sediment distribution, Papela Waters
Setiady, D., Kamiludin, U., & Gerhaneu, N. Y. (2016). JENIS DAN SEBARAN SEDIMEN DI PERAIRAN PAPELA DAN SEKITARNYA, ROTE-NDAO, NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR. JURNAL GEOLOGI KELAUTAN, 13(3), 153. https://doi.org/10.32693/jgk.13.3.2015.270
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