Using a humour podcast to break down stigma around illness

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Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt and Buchholtz analyse comedy and illness podcast series Sickboy from the perspective of collaborative media to examine the potential of such productions to support civic engagement. The authors conduct an ethnographic investigation using the concept of the circuit of culture to frame their discussion. By examining the production, text, audience and lived cultures related to the podcast, this chapter takes a comprehensive look at the collaborative production and funding, the use of seriality and structure to foster empowerment and norm-making in the texts, and analyse social media linked to the podcast to understand the audience’s reactions. The chapter presents an analysis of how three young male hosts discuss the issues of illness with people affected and how that amplifies the voices, and enhances the visibility, of the lived experiences of people with disabilities.




Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, P., & Buchholtz, J. W. (2018). Using a humour podcast to break down stigma around illness. In Podcasting: New Aural Cultures and Digital Media (pp. 251–271). Palgrave Macmillan.

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