Iot based water consumption and quality monitoring system

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Today, advancement in technology and increase in population has led to over-consumption of water by households. Also, because of elevated pollution levels, water gets contaminated and can be unfit for usage. These days, a lot of water conservation and quality checking systems use Internet of Things (IoT). However, because of shortcomings of the equipment, IoT independent from anyone else can't process, store and assure the nature of these administrations. Thus, to solve this problem, IoT can be combined with two infrastructures to enhance the quality and accessibility of these administrations, cloud and fog computing. This research paper proposes a model for monitoring the water quality parameters using sensors and keeping a check on water consumption through a pricing system. This proposed model uses IoT for acquisition of data, fog layer for short-term storage and data pre-processing, and cloud layer for data analysis, processing and long-term storage.




Selvaraj, P., Prabakaran, S., Chatterjee, S., & Srivastava, A. (2019). Iot based water consumption and quality monitoring system. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2 Special Issue 4), 219–227.

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