Objectives: Non-severe nocturnal hypoglycemic events (NSNHEs) may have a major impact on patients. The objective was to determine how NSNHEs affect diabetes management, sleep quality, functioning, and to assess if these impacts differ by diabetes type or country. Methods: An internet survey to adults with diabetes in the US, UK, Germany, and France. Results: Of 6756 screened respondents, 1086 reported an NSNHE in the past month. For this last event, respondents with type 2 required significantly more time than type 1 to recognize and respond to the event (1.5 vs 1.1 hours), 25.7% (T1) and 18.5% (T2) decreased their normal insulin dose due to their most recent NSNHE. All respondents were likely to take 12 additional self-monitored blood glucose measurements on the day following. NSNHEs were associated with a high proportion of respondents contacting a healthcare professional (18.6% T1, 27.8% T2) reporting they could not return to sleep at night (13.3% T1, 13.4% T2), and tiredness on the day following the event (71.2% for both). Of the respondents working for pay, 18.4% T1 and 28.1% T2 reported being absent from work due to the NSNHE, and a substantial proportion of respondents (8.7% T1, 14.4% T2) also reported missing a meeting or work appointment or not finishing a task on time. Compared with other countries, respondents from France may experience a more substantial impact on diabetes management and daily functioning following an NSNHE. Potential limitations in this study include recall and selection bias; however, these biases are not believed to have impacted findings in any meaningful way. Conclusions: NSNHEs are associated with a substantial impact on diabetes management, sleep quality, and next-day functioning. © 2012 Informa UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
Brod, M., Christensen, T., & Bushnell, D. M. (2012, February). Impact of nocturnal hypoglycemic events on diabetes management, sleep quality, and next-day function: Results from a four-country survey. Journal of Medical Economics. https://doi.org/10.3111/13696998.2011.624144
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