Studi Gambaran Environment Cost Dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan Di Rumah Sakit Umum Lasinrang Kabupaten Pinrang

  • Amir R
  • Nurhakiki
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Abstrak : Hasil operasional yang dilakukan rumah sakit dapat menghasilkan limbah padat yang dapat membahayakan lingkungan, maka sangat dibutuhkan adanya biaya dan pengelolaan limbah yang baik untuk mencegah terjadinya pencemaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengelolaan limbah padat telah sesuai dengan Permenkes RI No.7 Tahun 2019 dan gambaran tentang environment cost di RSU Lasinrang. Untuk memperoleh data dilakukan observasi dan wawancara di ruang Unit sanitasi dan Keuangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pengelolaan limbah di RSU Lasinrang di mulai dari proses pemilahan, pengumpulan, pengangkutan, penyimpanan di tps dan  pembuangan akhir. RSU Lasinrang belum menyajikan secara khusus laporan environment cost. Environment cost yang dikeluarkan RSU Lasinrang Tahun 2019 yaitu biaya pencegahan yang meliputi biaya peralatan dan bahan pembersih, biaya perlengkapan dan perlindungan kerja, sedangkan untuk biaya deteksi tidak terdapat pengeluaran dikarenakan tidak ada kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan biaya deteksi di RSU Lasinrang, dan untuk biaya internal meliputi biaya retribusi pelayanan persampahan, biaya pemusnahan limbah B3, dan biaya untuk penaggung jawab TPS Limbah B3. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa proses pengelolaan limbah padat di RSU Lasinrang sudah sesuai dengan Permenkes No.7 Tahun 2019 dan environment cost yang dikeluarkan RSU Lasinrang pada Tahun 2019 sebanyak Rp.478.819.800. Saran dalam penelitian adalah diharapkan pihak RSU Lasinrang lebih meningkatkan proses pengelolaan limbah agar lebih baik lagi, dan menyusun laporan environmet cost secara khusus dan terperinci. Kata Kunci : Pengelolaan Limbah, Environment cost. Abstract : The results of operations carried out by the hospital can produce solid waste that can endanger the environment, so it is necessary to have costs and good waste management to prevent pollution.The purpose of this research is to find out that solid waste management is in accordance with the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Health Regulation No.7 of 2019 and a description of the environment cost at RSU Lasinrang. To obtain data, observations and interviews were carried out in the sanitation and finance unit room.The results showed that the waste management process at the RSU Lasinrang started from the sorting, collection, transportation, storage at TPS and final disposal.RSU Lasinrang has not specifically presented an environment cost report.The environment cost issued by RSU Lasinrang in 2019 is the cost of prevention which includes the cost of equipment and cleaning materials, equipment costs and work protection, while for detection costs there are no expenses because there are no activities related to detection costs at RSU Lasinrang, and internal costs include fees for solid waste services, fees for eliminating B3 waste, and fees for the person in charge of the TPS for hazardous waste. The results of this study concluded that the solid waste management process at Lasinrang Hospital was in accordance with the Minister of Health Regulation No.7 of 2019 and the environment cost issued by RSU Lasinrang in 2019 was IDR 478,819,800. The suggestion in this research is that it is hopen that the RSU Lasinrang will further improve the waste management process to make it even better, and compile a specific and detailed environmental cost repost.  Keywords: Waste Management, Environment cost.




Amir, R., & Nurhakiki. (2021). Studi Gambaran Environment Cost Dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan Di Rumah Sakit Umum Lasinrang Kabupaten Pinrang. Journal of Health Educational Science And Technology, 4(1), 15–26.

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