Permasalahan yang disajikan dalam proses pembelajaran Problem Based Learning pada penelitian ini berbasis etnomatematika islami. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap pemahaman matematis mahasiswa IAIN Kediri setelah mengikuti pembelajaran PBL berbasis pendekatan etnomatematika islami dan mengungkap efektifitas pembelajaran PBL berbasis etnomatematika islami terhadap pemahaman konsep matematis mahasiswa IAIN Kediri. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuasi eksperimen dengan desain posttest only control grup desain dan dianalisis secara kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis uji hipotesis dinyatakan bahwa kemampuan pemahaman matematis peserta didik yang mengikuti pembelajaran Problem Based Learning berbasis etnomatematika islami tidak ada perbedaan dari pada peserta didik yang mengikuti pembelajaran Problem Based Learning tanpa berbasis etnomatematika islami. Ketidakmampuan peserta didik memenuhi indikator pemahaman matematis dikarenakan peserta didik kurang dapat memahami konsep suatu materi jika permasalahan yang diberikan berbeda dengan yang pernah disajikan oleh pendidik atau yang tertera pada buku referensi. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang berperan dalam pemahaman matematis peserta didik adalah pembelajaran Problem Based Learning bukan terkait konten bahan ajar yg disajikan dalam bentuk etnomatematika islami atau umum. In this study, the problems present on Islamic ethnomathematics. This study aims to reveal the mathematical comprehension of IAIN Kediri students after taking Problem Based Learning (PBL) based on an Islamic ethnomathematic. This study was conducted using a quasi-experimental method with a posttest only kontrol group design and analyzed quantitatively. Based on the results of the analysis of hypothesis testing, there was no difference in the mathematical understanding abilities of students who took part in PBL based on Islamic ethnomathematics and without being based on Islamic ethnomathematics. The inability of students to meet the indicators of mathematical understanding is because students are less able to understand the concept of a material if the problems given are different from those presented by educators or those listed in reference books. It can conclude that what plays a role in students' mathematical understanding is Problem Based Learning not related to the content of teaching materials presented in the form of Islamic or general ethnomathematics.
Annisa, C., Triani, D. A., & Tanti, Y. K. (2023). Is it true that PBL based on Islamic ethnomathematics makes it easier for PTKIN students to understand mathematical concepts? Journal Focus Action of Research Mathematic (Factor M), 6(1), 82–98.
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