The crystal structure of hollandite from Gowari Wadhona, India has been refined. Chemical formula determined by EPMA and moisture counter is (BaO.7sKO.38h.13 (Mn7.8sFeO.lS)8016'0.41H20. The structure is monoclinic, I2/m, and cell constants are a= 10.006(3)A, b=2 .866(1)A, c=9.7 46(2)A, {3=91.17(3)0. Each atom exists on a mirror plane (y=O, or 0.50). Manganese atom is in octahedral coordination. Mn06 octa-hedra are distorted and manganese atoms shift to unshared oxygens. The tunnel site is occupied by Ba2+, K+ and H20. These cations and moleculcs do not show continuous distribution along the tunnel but only one single peak is observed. This mineraI gives an X-ray powder pattern different from that of tetragonal hollandite. The relationship be-tween the site occupancies of tunnel cations and the powder diffraction intensities is discussed. As the occupancy of tunnel site increase, the intensity ratio of 1(200)+1(002) to 1(301)+I(Ï03) decreases.
MIURA, H. (1986). The crystal structure of hollandite. Mineralogical Journal, 13(3), 119–129.
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