BACKGROUND: Breast feeding plays an essential and sometimes underestimate role in the treatment and prevention of infant and childhood illness. Improving breast feeding is a highly feasible and cost effective approach to reducing the number of infant who die from infectious disease and malnutrition early in their lives. Continuing to breastfeed alone could save 1 to 1.5 million lives a year. Well over 40% of 10.9 million deaths annually occur due to inappropriate feeding practices, during the 1st year of life. Lack of breast feeding and especially exclusive breast feeding during the 1st year of life are important risk factors for infant and child hood morbidity and mortality that are only compounded by inappropriate complementary feeding. Current evidence that Breast feeding is beneficial for infant and child health is based on exclusive observational studies. The experimental intervention increased the duration and degree of breast feeding. These results provide a solid scientific under planning for future interventions to promote Breast feeding. Breast feeding practices appear to be ineffective even in institutions due to lack of knowledge of importance of breast milk, colostrums, and pre-lacteal feeds. In the present study an effort is made to assess the knowledge of breast feeding practices among post natal women and mothers attending immunization clinic. OBJECTIVES: To study the sociodemografic factors influence on breast feeding behavior of post natal mothers and to study the awareness of benefits of colostrums, and effect of media on breast feeding practices. MATERIALS AND METHODS : The present study is a cross-sectional, Descriptive Hospital based, conducted in the post natal ward at Govt Maternity Hospital, sultan Bazar, Hyderabad, A.P., participants are the Mothers who have delivered within 3days of interview, and the Mothers attending immunization clinic, having children below 1 year of age. sample size is 150 Post Natal Mothers and 100 mothers attending immunization clinic in the same hospital selected by simple random sampling technique. METHODOLOGY: interview with a predesigned and pretested semi structured questionnaire administered to 150 randomly selected mothers at the bed side in post natal ward who have delivered 3days prior to the interview. A friendly support was maintained to elicit the response regarding breast feeding practices. the mothers were interviewed in their mother tongue. Study was conducted from November 1st to December 2004. study variables includes social demographic factors like age, marriage, age at pregnancy, social status, literacy, and their relation to awareness on breast feeding practices etc. Analysis mainly comprises of simple proportions and chi-square test using epi info. RESULTS: A total of 250 respondents breast feeding practices were studied. Their socio demographic factors includes Residential, literacy, occupational status etc. Among total Majority of the mothers were more than 21 yrs(61.33%to68%), belong to urban areas(78.66%, 75%), Hindus were(82.66%, 66%), Nuclear families (64%,61%), and lower socioeconomic class (64%,72%). Majority of mothers who advice on early initiation were 62%,63% of them started breast feeding early. The difference in BFP'S among the groups is highly Significant. (p<0001). (80%) breast fed was who delivered normally, who underwent LSCS was 12.8%, almost 88% of mothers in postnatal ward and mothers attended immunization clinic 100% was breast fed their infants at the time of interview, it universal. Breast feeding was also universal and on demand in both groups. only 2.66% were breast fed every 3hrs. Mothers who had not initiated and said that milk was not formed is 56%, and 44% of them had not been advised on early initiation. Duration of initiation of breastfeeding among both the groups (45.3%) were 7to24hrs. Both the groups found not exposed to media as the source of information on breast feeding was 76%, 58% respectively, about 20% of post natal ward and 41% of immunization clinic mothers were exposed to health workers message on breast feeding, TV, news paper, contributed minimum regarding awareness of breast feeding. Majority of the mothers were house wives 80%, 84% and only 2% were working, hence the difference found significant statistically(p<0.01). Mothers of lower socio economic class had exclusively breast fed for a longer time(1yr) and the habit of introducing weaning food was found late(1yr) in both the groups. CONCLUSION: To alleviate the misconception of breast milk not being formed till 3days and advice regarding early initiation of breast feeding during antenatal and post natal visits to the hospital and also through effective information education communication must be strengthened to improve breast feeding practices among all the social groups.
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