lection of regional head (Pilkada) is one form and mechanism of democracy. The regional leader is directly elected. Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government in its enactment has created a new atmosphere in the process of regional head elections (Pilkada), both at the provincial level and at the district and city level, with the enactment of this Law they must be directly elected by all people who have suffrage in each area. This election system, in fact, has added to the vibrant process of democracy in Indonesia. This is because the Pilkada opens the broadest involvement of all people in the process of electing their regional government leaders. However, without undermining the importance of the spirit of democratic society through the elections, various negative impacts / interpretations of this kind of succession system of government are now appearing. It is common knowledge now that to win local elections, a person needs a lot of funds, both to finance legal activities and to finance illegal activities, such as money politics. Money politics is usually used to influence the tendency of the people to vote in the elections. Various facts can lead us to questions about the elections in the perspective of Islamic teachings in terms of maslahah and mafsadah.
Thalhah, M. (2004). Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Secara Langsung: Garansi Moral dan Demokrasi? Unisia, 27(51), 69–78. https://doi.org/10.20885/unisia.vol27.iss51.art9
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