• Sinaga R
  • Siahaan V
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ABSTRACT   Research background breastfeeding is the foundation of life. Breast milk is the best intake for babies. Unfortunately, until now, there are still a few mothers who provide exclusive breastfeeding for six months and continued for up to two years with complementary foods with breast milk for children. Data from the Ministry of Health noted that the rate of early breastfeeding initiation in Indonesia increased from 51.8 percent in 2016 to 57.8 percent in 2017 and 71.34% in 2019. Although the increase, this figure is said to be still far from the target of 90 percent. RI health profile, 2017). Health promotion techniques using emotional demonstration (emo demo) methods are thought to be able to increase the knowledge of pregnant women about the initiation of early breastfeeding and exclusive breast milk and are willing to do so after they give birth.The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the emotional demonstration method as an effort to increase the implementation of early breastfeeding initiation and exclusive breastfeeding for breastfeeding mothers in Tanjung Tongah village, P.siantar.Method of quasi-experimental studies with pre-test and post-test approaches. The intervention group. The population was 45 pregnant women in the 3rd trimester of Tanjung Tongah and the entire population that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were used as the study sample. Data collection through questionnaires and observation sheets. Data analysis used by t-test and chi-square.The results showed that there were differences in the mean knowledge of respondents about early initiation of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding before and after the emo demo and p <0.00. And there is a relationship between knowledge of initiation of early breastfeeding and exclusive breast milk and exclusive breast milk.   Keywords: Emo demo, (;) IMD(;) exclusive breastfeeding(;)3rd-trimester pregnant women ABSTRAK   Latar belakang penelitian menyusui adalah dasar kehidupan. Air susu ibu (ASI) adalah asupan terbaik untuk bayi. Sayangnya, sampai saat ini, masih sedikit ibu yang memberikan ASI eksklusif selama enam bulan dan dilanjutkan hingga dua tahun dengan makanan pendamping ASI (MPASI) pada anak. Data Kementerian Kesehatan mencatat, angka inisiasi menyusui dini (IMD) di Indonesia meningkat dari 51,8 persen pada 2016 menjadi 57,8 persen pada 2017 dan 71,34 % pada tahun 2019. Kendati meningkat, angka itu disebut masih jauh dari target sebesar 90 persen.(1). Teknik promosi kesehatan dengan metode emotional demonstration (emo demo) diduga mampu menambah pengetahuan ibu hamil tentang IMD dan Asi Ekslusif, dan bersedia melakukan setelah mereka melahirkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Menganalisis Efektifitas Metode Emotional Demonstration Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Pelaksanaan IMD Dan Pemberian Asi Ekslusif Pada Ibu menyusui di Kelurahan Tanjung Tongah Kota P.Siantar. Metode quasi eksperimen studies dengan pendekatan pre test dan post test. Kelompok intervensi.  Populasi adalah ibu hamil trimester III yang ada dikelurahan Tanjung Tongah sebanyak  45 ibu dan seluruh populasi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi dijadikan sampel Penelitian. Pengumpulan data melalaui kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Analisa data yang digunakan dengan T-Test dan Chisquare.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada perbedaan rata-rata pengetahuan responden tentang IMD dan ASIeklusif sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan emo demo dan p<0,00. Dan terdapat  hubungan antara pengetahuan IMD dan ASI eklusif setelah emo demo dengan tindakan responden melakukan IMD dan Asi Eklusif.   Kata Kunci : Emo demo(;)IMD(;) ASI Eksklusif(;)Bumil trimester III




Sinaga, R.-, & Siahaan, V. R. (2020). EMOTIONAL DEMONSTRATION (EMO DEMO) EFFECTIVELY IN INCREASING IMD AND EXCLUSIVE Breastfeeding IN PREGNANT WOMEN. Jurnal Ilmiah PANNMED (Pharmacist, Analyst, Nurse, Nutrition, Midwivery, Environment, Dentist), 15(3), 345–351. https://doi.org/10.36911/pannmed.v15i3.765

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