The reliability of technical systems can be greatly reduced if possible faults cannot be accommodated but lead to system shut-down with sometimes catastrophic consequences. The algorithms and systems of fault-tolerant control were developed in the last years into a powerful tool to accommodate such faults. Additionally, it became obvious that the design of a technical system can ease or hinder the application of these tools and can also lead to the accommodation of faults be itself. This kind of design – fault-tolerant design – and its components are presented in this paper on the example of a shifting system for the gear box an autonomous driving race car. This race car competes in the well-known formula student driverless competition; in such competitions the reliability of the car and the capability to accommodate not avoidable faults is of paramount importance. The different elements of fault-tolerance incorporated in the design of the gear shifting system are explained on the basis of an established model of product concretization.
Stetter, R., Göser, R., Gresser, S., Till, M., & Witczak, M. (2020). Fault-tolerant design for increasing the reliability of an autonomous driving gear shifting system. Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc, 22(3), 482–492.
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