Abstrak Nyeri merupakan kondisi berupa perasaan yang tidak menyenangkan, bersifat sangat subyektif. Perasaan nyeri pada setiap orang berbeda dalam hal skala ataupun tingkatannya, dan hanya orang tersebutlah yang dapat menjelaskan atau mengevaluasi rasa nyeri yang dialaminya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan Inhalasi Atsiri rose dengan lavender terhadap intensitas nyeri persalinan di Puskesmas Medan Tuntungan. Desain penelitian ini adalah Matching pretest dan Post-test Group Design. Populasi dalam penelitian sebanyak 30 orang primigravida, dengan Teknik total sampling. Analisis data terdiri dari univariat dan bivariat dengan uji T-Test. Hasil penelitian menggunakan skala intensitas nyeri numerik menunjukkan bahwa Intensitas nyeri persalinan sebelum Inhalasi Atsiri rose mayoritas memiliki nyeri berat sebanyak 10 orang (66.7 %), dan setelah diberi inhalasi mayoritas nyeri ringan sebanyak 9 orang (60 %). Sedangkan Intensitas nyeri persalinan sebelum Inhalasi Lavender mayoritas memiliki nyeri berat sebanayak 9 orang (60 %) dan setelah diberi inhalasi mayoritas nyeri ringan sebanyak 8 orang (53.3 %). Hasil uji T-test menunjukkan bahwa intensitas nyeri persalinan kelompok inhalasi atsiri rose sebesar 3,60 dengan SD sebesar 0,057, intensitas nyeri persalinan pada kelompok lavender sebesar 3,53 dengan SD sebesar 0,516. Hal ini berarti bahwa inhalasi aroma lavender lebih meringankan intensitas nyeri di bandingkan atsiri rose. Kata kunci: Atsiri Rosa, Lavender, Nyeri, Persalinan Abstract Pain is a kind of unpleasant feeling which is very subjective. This feeling can be interpreted different in terms of scale or level, and pain experience can only be explained or evaluated by the related person. This study aims to determine the comparison of Rose Essential Oil and Lavender inhalation on the intensity of labor pain at the Medan Tuntungan Community Health Center. The design of this study was Matching Pre-test and Post-test Group Design. The population in the study was 30 people, and the samples were selected through a total sampling technique. Data analysis consisted of univariate and bivariate analysis using T-Test. The results showed that 10 people (67 %) had severe pain before inhalation of Rose Essential Oil, and after the administration of inhalation, the majority of respondents or as many as 9 people (60%) had mild pain. Furthermore, the majority of respondents or as many as 9 people (60%) had severe labor pain before Lavender inhalation, and after the administration of inhalation, the majority of respondents or as many as 8 people (53 %) had mild pain. The results of the T-test showed that the intensity of labor pain in the rose essential oil inhalation group was 3.60 with an SD of 0.57, and the intensity of labor pain in the lavender inhalation group was 3.53 with an SD of 0.51. This indicated that inhalation of lavender aroma could provide a better pain relieve compared to rose essential oil.
Barus, E. B. (2022). COMPARISON OF ROSE ESSENTIAL OIL AND LAVENDER INHALATION ON THE INTENSITY OF LABOR PAIN. Jambura Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 4, 52–59. https://doi.org/10.35971/jjhsr.v4i0.12554
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