Supporting Factors for the Spread of the Hanafi School throughout the World

  • Meirison M
  • Hendra T
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Abstract: The doctrine of Abu Hanifa has spread in the country since Abu Yusuf empowered him after assuming the position of judge of judges in the Abbasid state. It was the official doctrine of it, in addition to the philosophy of Malik in the Hijaz. The Hanafi school became the only official school of thought when Malik died. It spread in Iraq and its east from the countries of the Persians: Persia and Beyond the River (Turkistan), Afghanistan, and India. It was also the official doctrine of many Levantine countries, such as the Seljuk State, the Gharnawi State, and the Ottoman State. Then they began to push people to embrace its doctrine until it became the most prominent Islamic school of thought with followers among Muslims due to the length of the rule of the Ottoman Empire, which spanned about seven centuries. Instead, they even imposed the recitation of Hafs on the authority of Asim, instead of the recitations that are widespread in the Islamic world (especially the recitation of al-Dawri), just because Abu Hanifa used to recite it! The Turks spread their doctrine in eastern Europe, Iraq, and northern Syria, but they failed to impose it in areas far from their influence, such as the island and Africa.Abstrak:  Mazhab Abu Hanifah telah menyebar ke seluruh penjuru dunia sejak Abu Yusuf menduduki posisi hakim hakim di negara Abbasiyah, dan itu adalah mazhab resminya, di samping mazhab Malik di Hijaz. Ketika Malik meninggal, mazhab Hanafi menjadi satu-satunya mazhab resmi. Itu menyebar di Irak dan di timurnya dari negara-negara Persia: Persia dan Di Luar Sungai (Turkistan), Afghanistan dan India. Itu juga merupakan mazhab resmi sejumlah negara Levant, seperti Negara Seljuk, Negara Gharnawi, dan kemudian Negara Ottoman. Karena fatwanya, yang mengizinkan kekhalifahan bagi non-Quraysh, orang-orang Turki menyetujui mazhabnya selama pemerintahan Kekaisaran Ottoman, dan menganggap mazhab Hanafi sebagai mazhab negara. Kemudian mereka mulai mendorong orang untuk memeluk mazhabnya, hingga menjadi mazhab pemikiran Islam terbesar dengan pengikut di kalangan umat Islam, karena lamanya kekuasaan Kekaisaran Ottoman, yang berlangsung sekitar tujuh abad. Bahkan mereka memaksakan bacaan Hafs atas otoritas Asim, bukan bacaan yang tersebar luas di dunia Islam (terutama bacaan al-Dawri), hanya karena Abu Hanifah biasa membacanya. Turki menyebarkan mazhabnya di Eropa timur, Irak, dan Suriah utara, tetapi mereka gagal memaksakannya di wilayah yang jauh dari pengaruh mereka, seperti selat Melaka dan Afrika.




Meirison, M., & Hendra, T. (2022). Supporting Factors for the Spread of the Hanafi School throughout the World. Muqaranah, 6(2), 85–98.

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