Chinese caterpillar fungus, Cordyceps sinensis, is a traditional Chinese medicine that parasitize Hepialidae larvae and grows on mountain at an altitude of 3000 m high. After infection, the larvae become rigid, latent feel the humidity in the Cordyceps topsoil depth of 10 cm, which is formed by a stiff end pumping out insects long rod-like stroma (i.e., Cordyceps sinensis fruiting and sclerotium of dead insects (larvae corpse) to form a composite) when the spring comes and snow melt. It is mainly produced in Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu, Guizhou, and other provinces and autonomous regions of the alpine zone and snow-capped mountains and plains.
Pan, Z. (2018). Research advancement of insect origin fungus cordyceps. In Trends in Insect Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (pp. 253–282). Springer International Publishing.
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