In collections from 106 localities in New Zealand and three from Australia, 19 species were found belonging to the genera Criconema, Mesocriconema, Discocriconemella, and Hemicriconemoides; eight species are new to science. Four new species belong to the Criconema mutabile‐group: C. acuticaudatum n. sp., characterised by anterior vulva (81–85%), long postvulvar body part (PV) (62–78 μm), stylet = 69–78 μm, and R = 88–95; C. undulatum n. sp., characterised by anterior margins of the annules being undulate, V = 87–90%, stylet = 78–87 μm, R = 116–130, and PV = 45–67 μm; C. alpinum n. sp., characterised by long stylet (85–99 μm), V = 87–90%, R = 84–91, and PV = 31–44 μm; and C. graminicola n. sp., which has the vulva rather anterior (82–88%), PV = 43–61 μm, R = 73–86, and stylet = 62–81 μm. The other four new species are: C. magnum n. sp., with anterior margins of annules undulate, body large (0.60–0.90 mm), postvulval part plump conoid, terminus broadly rounded, R = 58–65, and stylet = 89–101 vm; C. lineatum n. sp., characterised by a deeply incised lateral line and spicate tail, R = 67–73, and stylet = 77–89 μm; C. cristulatum n. sp., with minute hairs or spines on the outer edge of body annules and, at <0.50 mm, shorter than both C. certesi and C. racemispinosum; and C. aucklandicum n. sp., which has a continuous fringe of minute hairs on the outer edge of body annules and differs from related species in average body length (0.52 mm), stylet length (89 μm), and tail length (33 μm). The 11 other taxa found were Criconemoides parvus, Mesocriconema rusticum, M. xenoplax, Criconema californicum, C. sphagni, C. macilentum, C. spinicaudatum, C. sp. cf. pacificum, C. pasticum, Hemicriconemoides cocophilus, and Discocriconemella sp. © The Royal Society of New Zealand 1997.
Loof, P. A. A., Wouts, W. M., & Yeates, G. W. (1997). Criconematidae (Nematoda: Tylenchida) from the New Zealand region: Genera mesocriconema, criconema, discocriconemella, and hemicriconemoides. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 24(2), 123–151.
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