ABSTRACT Every health facility, including hospitals, is required to provide medical record services according to applicable standards and regulations to support the quality of health services. Provision of medical records must be done in a timely manner to achieve quality service that can give satisfaction. Based on observations results, problems were found regarding retrieval of medical records that did not meet the needs of doctors and nurses, incomplete filling of medical record files, and delays in the distribution of medical records. The purpose of this study is to analyze nurse satisfaction and find out the attributes that need to be improved by the medical record unit to improve service quality. The type of research is descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The sampling technique uses non-probability purposive sampling. The sample in this research was 93 nurses. The data analysis technique is descriptive analysis using the Service Quality (Servqual) method, and Importance-Performance Analysis. The results of the gap analysis using the Servqual method on all dimensions are negative which means dissatisfaction, namely tangibles -0.67, reliability -0.75, responsiveness -0.77, assurance -0.63, and empathy -0.65. Based on the results of the Importance-Performance Analysis, there are three attributes that need to be improved which are located in quadrant I, namely medical record officers are responsive when there are medical records that are not yet available (P11), medical record officers can provide medical records quickly and precisely (P12), and medical record officers always ask the needs of nurses regarding the provision of medical records (P24). Keywords: Service Quality, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Nurse Satisfaction, Medical Records ABSTRAK Setiap fasilitas Kesehatan, termasuk rumah sakit, diwajibkan menyelenggarakan layanan rekam medis sesuai standar dan aturan yang berlaku untuk menunjang mutu layanan kesehatan. Penyediaan rekam medis harus dilakukan secara tepat waktu agar tercapainya pelayanan bermutu sehingga dapat memberikan kepuasan. Berdasarkan hasil observasi, ditemukan permasalahan mengenai pengambilan rekam medis yang tidak berdasar pada kebutuhan dokter dan perawat, ketidaklengkapan pengisian berkas rekam medis, serta keterlambatan pendistribusian rekam medis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis kepuasan perawat dan mengetahui atribut-atribut yang perlu diperbaiki oleh unit rekam medis dalam upaya peningkatan mutu pelayanan. Jenis penelitian yang dipergunakan, yakni penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik sampling menggunakan non probability purposive sampling. Sampel pada penilitian ini sebanyak 93 perawat. Teknik analisis data, yaitu analisis deskriptif mempergunakan metode Service Quality (Servqual), dan Importance Performance Analysis. Hasil analisis gap dengan metode Servqual pada seluruh dimensi bernilai negatif yang bermakna tidak puas yakni tangibles -0.67, reliability -0.75, responsiveness -0.77, assurance -0.63, dan empathy -0.65. Berdasarkan hasil Importance Performance Analysis terdapat tiga atribut yang perlu dilakukan perbaikan terletak pada kuadran I yaitu petugas rekam medis tanggap apabila terdapat rekam medis yang belum tersedia (P11), petugas rekam medis dapat menyediakan rekam medis secara cepat dan tepat (P12), dan petugas rekam medis selalu menanyakan kebutuhan perawat terkait penyediaan rekam medis (P24). Kata Kunci: Mutu Pelayanan, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Kepuasan Perawat, Rekam Medis
Hanifah, H. M., & Wahyono, B. (2023). Analisis Deskriptif Kepuasan Perawat terhadap Mutu Layanan Rekam Medis. Malahayati Nursing Journal, 5(8), 2755–2774. https://doi.org/10.33024/mnj.v5i8.9751
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