Teaching Approach and Teacher Self-Efficacy during Early Childhood Distance Learning

  • Sibagariang P
  • S. Pandia W
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Child Distance Learning (CDL) during the pandemic has led to an optimal development of children and effective teaching and learning processes in kindergartens. To overcome this, teachers need to apply a teaching approach in accordance with the principles of kindergarten education. In addition, teachers' self-efficacy of their ability to teach is also important for developing children's skills. This study aims to describe the teaching approach and the efficacy of kindergarten teachers during the CDL process and to identify the relationship between the two. The research method used is quantitative through document analysis as a source of data findings. A total of 116 Public Kindergarten (PK) teachers in DKI Jakarta participated in filling out the Classroom Management Scale and Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale online. All data were processed using descriptive statistics and correlation. Furthermore, there is a document analysis carried out on the Daily / Weekly Learning Program Design in PK Jakarta. The findings identified that the teaching approach of kindergarten teachers during CDL included only two principles of kindergarten education, namely thematic teaching and developing life skills. Furthermore, PK teachers in the Jakarta area showed low self-efficacy during CDL. The teaching approach and self-efficacy were caused by teachers' unpreparedness in facing challenges during CDL. In addition, other findings indicate that there is a relationship between teaching approaches and teacher self-efficacy. Another CDL model Interventions to increase teacher self-efficacy and the extent to which the relationship between the two variables can be studied further in future studies.  Keywords: Early Childhood, Distance Learning, Teaching Approach, Teacher Self-Efficacy References: Agustin, M., & Wahyudin, U. (2011). Penilaian perkembangan anak usia dini. Refika Aditama. 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Sibagariang, P. P., & S. Pandia, W. S. (2021). Teaching Approach and Teacher Self-Efficacy during Early Childhood Distance Learning. JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini, 15(1), 41–59. https://doi.org/10.21009/jpud.151.03

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