AbstractReligious education is a mandate of national legislation that should be implemented in every school based on the Legislation of National Education System, and as the right ofevery studentto receive religious education in accordance with their own religion. Thisresearch is aimed to get sufficient data and information on the management of religiouseducation in school of the Republic of Indonesia in Tokyo Japan. Specifically this study isexpected to be a policy matter, Firstly, students’ right fulfillment aspect to receive religiouseducation as stated in Legislation Number 20/2003 About the National Education SystemArticle 12 Verse (1) point a. Government Regulation Number 55/2007 aboutreligiouseducation and Religious affair education, and also the Minister of Religious AffairsRegulation Number 16/2010 on the Management of Religious Education in Schools;Secondly, the management of religious teachers and religious education learning in orderto meet the Education National Standards as the authority of the Ministry of ReligiousAffairs that must be implemented optimally in every educational unit.
Nurudin, N. (2015). Perbandingan Pengelolaan Pendidikan Agama Pada Sekolah di Indonesia dan Sekolah Republik Indonesia Tokyo. Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 4(1), 1. https://doi.org/10.14421/jpi.2015.01.1-24
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