Lung disease due to work is a disease or disorder that occurs due to the inhalation of dangerous particles,mists, vapors or gases while someone is working. UD. Surabaya is an informal garment industry makingapparel in the city of Jember which has several processes including cutting, sewing, and finishing. As manyas 5 out of 10 workers who were randomly interviewed said that they experienced respiratory problems suchas shortness of time at work, and 3 workers suffered from symptoms of lung function disorders after 10 yearsof work.The aim of research was to analyze symptoms of impaired lung function on garment workers atUD. Surabaya Jember District. The data used in this research were primary data which have been collectedfrom questionnaire to 108 worker respondents. The analysis instrument was technique of regression ofweight through AMOS software. The result of instrument testing concluded that all variables were validand reliable as the instruments of data collection. The result of data analysis referred that: 1) the individualcharacteristics have positive effect to the symptoms of impaired lung function, 2) the amount of exposurecontact have positive effect to the symptoms of impaired lung function on garment workers, 3) the indicatorsof individual characteristic which affected to the symptoms of impaired lung functions were smoking habitand nutritional status, and 4) the indicators of exposure contact amount which affected to the symptomsof impaired lung function were length of exposure and year of service. As a discussion , The longer theworking period, the longer the worker is exposed to dust. The more exposure to dust that accumulates in thelungs which will later affect the capacity of lung function. A clinical manifestation disorder of decreasedrespiratory function will begin to appear and become permanent after exposure to dust between 10 yearsof work then one of the factors that can accelerate the decline in lung function is smoking. The results ofthis study indicate that individual characteristics and the number of exposure contacts have a positive effecton symptoms of impaired lung function, so it is necessary to conduct an evaluation regarding the risksexperienced by workers. As a conclusion the symptom of impaired lung function on workers was caused byseveral factors as individual characteristic and amount of exposure contact.
Sriwahyuningsih, M. S. E., Novi Marchianti, A. C., & Prayitno, H. (2021). The Symptoms of Impaired Lung Function and Its Determinants Analysis on Garment Workers at UD. Surabaya Jember Region. Medico Legal Update, 21(3), 383–391.
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