A set of preliminary design parameters for the bipropellant rocket engine using liquid methane-fuel as green propellant were derived through a theoretical performance analysis. Chemical equilibrium analysis utilizing CEA was conducted for the prediction of combustion performance: combustion characteristics according to the O/F ratio and chamber pressure variation were investigated. For a determination of chamber-characteristic length, the vaporization time of fuel-droplet with various performance parameters was calculated by applying Spalding's 1-D droplet vaporization model. Finally, the preliminary design specification of methane-bipropellant rocket engine, which is to be performance-tested under the ground firing condition, was proposed. 친환경 추진제인 액체메탄을 연료로 사용하는 이원추진제 로켓엔진의 이론성능분석을 통해 엔진의 설계변수를 도출하였다. 엔진의 연소성능 예측을 위해 CEA를 활용한 화학평형해석을 수행하였으며, 추진제 혼합비 및 연소실 내부압력에 따른 연소성능 특성을 고찰하였다. 엔진의 특성길이 도출을 위해 1차원 액적기화모델을 적용하여 성능변수 변화에 따른 추진제의 기화시간을 계산하였으며, 지상연소 이론성능분석을 통해 메탄 이원추진제 로켓엔진의 설계제원을 제시하였다.
Kim, J. H., Jung, H., & Kim, J. S. (2014). Analysis of the Theoretical Performance Characteristics for Methane-fuel Bipropellant Rocket Engine. Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers, 18(3), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.6108/kspe.2014.18.3.001
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