Trichoderma -Enriched Biofertilizer: A Prospective Substitute of Inorganic Fertilizer for Mustard ( Brassica campestris) Production

  • Haque M
  • Haque M
  • Ilias G
  • et al.
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Effects of Trichoderma-enriched biofertilizer such as biofertilizer/compost [BioF/compost (household/kitchen wastes composted with Trichoderma harzianum T22)] and biofertilizer/liquid [BioF/liquid (T. harzianum T22 broth culture contains spores and mycelia)] alone or in combination with NPK fertilizer were evaluated for the growth, dry matter production, yield and yield attributes of mustard (Brassica campestris) grown under field condition. BioF/compost performed better than that of BioF/liquid. Recommended doses of NPK and 50% BioF/compost + 50% NPK showed similar effects on growth, dry matter accumulation and yield of mustard. Seed yield per plant was increased by 5.34% over the recommended dose of NPK, when the crop was fertilized with 50% BioF/compost along with 50% NPK. However, seed yield per plant was decreased only by 7.3 and 6.6% when BioF/compost, and 75% BioF/compost + 25% NPK were applied as compared to the recommended dose of NPK. Since 20% reduced yield is accepted in organic faming worldwide, the treatments namely BioF/compost, 50% BioF/compost + 50% NPK and 75% BioF/compost + 25% NPK might be recommended for mustard cultivation in Bangladesh, which may reduce cultivation cost and also reduce environmental pollution. Keywords: Mustard; growth; dry matter production; seed yield; biofertilizer DOI: 10.3329/agric.v8i2.7579   The Agriculturists 8(2): 66-73 (2010)




Haque, M. M., Haque, M. A., Ilias, G., & Molla, A. H. (1970). Trichoderma -Enriched Biofertilizer: A Prospective Substitute of Inorganic Fertilizer for Mustard ( Brassica campestris) Production. The Agriculturists, 8(2), 66–73.

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