n this work, starch extract and the flour of Dioscorea bulbifera (aerial yam) were analysed and compared in terms of their physicochem ical and functional properties. The results of the proximate analysis showed that, the starch extract had relatively low values for fat (1.59%), protein (0.00%), fat (0.31±0.29%), and ash (0.19±0.83%) as compared to the aerial yam flour, positioning it to exhibit good solubility and swelling properties. This assertion was buttressed by the fact that, the starch extract had significantly higher (p<0.05) values for Solubility (24.35±0.40%) and Sw elling Power (8.19±0.21%) than the flour. The values obtained for the pasting characte ristics of both samples indicated that, the starch extract generally had better Pasting Tem perature (78.8°C), Pasting Time (19.25 min), Peak Viscosity (597 BU), Final Viscosi ty (198 BU), Holding Strength (594 BU), Break down Viscosity (113 BU), and Setback Vis cosity (−284 BU) than that of the flour. In terms of colour, the starch extract again had better values for L* (81.20±1.09), a* (−0.59±0.02), and b* (+13.04±0.88). The pasting characteristics of the flour sample was better than that of the starch extract as it ha d lower amylose (30.00) content but a higher amylopectin (70.00) content. It can therefor e be concluded that, the two samples could be used for different products based on the d esired characteristics intended to be achieved
Ikegwu, O. J., Okechukwu, P. E., & Ekumankana, E. O. (2010). Physico-Chemical and Pasting Characteristics of Flour and Starch from Achi Brachystegia eurycoma Seed. Journal of Food Technology, 8(2), 58–66. https://doi.org/10.3923/jftech.2010.58.66
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