We present new Spitzer, UKIRT, and MMT observations of the blue compactdwarf galaxy (BCD) Mrk 996, with an oxygen abundance of 12+log(O/H)=8.0.This galaxy possesses an extraordinarily dense nuclear star-formingregion, with a central density of ~10^{6} cm^{-3}, avery red color J-K=1.8, broad- and narrow-line components, and ionizingradiation as hard as 54.9 eV, as implied by the presence of the [O IV]25.89 {μ}m line. The infrared morphology of Mrk 996 changes withwavelength, showing extended stellar photospheric emission at 4.5 {μ}m,extended polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission at 8.0 {μ}m,and cool extended dust emission at 160 {μ}m. The IRS spectrum showsstrong narrow PAH emission, with narrow-line widths and equivalentwidths that are high for the metallicity of Mrk 996. Gaseous nebularfine-structure lines are also seen. A CLOUDY model that accounts forboth the optical and mid-infrared (MIR) lines requires that theyoriginate in two distinct H II regions: a very dense H II region wheremost of the optical lines arise, with densities declining from~10^{6} at the center to a few hundred cm^{-3} at theouter radius of ~580 pc, and a H II region with a density of ~300cm^{-3} that is hidden in the optical but seen in the MIR. Theinfrared lines arise mainly in the optically obscured H II region, whilethey are strongly suppressed by collisional deexcitation in theoptically visible one. The hard ionizing radiation needed to account forthe [O IV] 25.89 {μ}m line is most likely due to fast radiative shockspropagating in a dense interstellar medium.
Thuan, T. X., Hunt, L. K., & Izotov, Y. I. (2008). The Spitzer View of Low‐Metallicity Star Formation. II. Mrk 996, a Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy with an Extremely Dense Nucleus. The Astrophysical Journal, 689(2), 897–912. https://doi.org/10.1086/592720
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