Correlación entre las características del suelo y los nematodos de las raíces del banano (Musa AAA) en Ecuador

  • Chávez-Velazco C
  • Araya-Vargas M
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Correlation between soil characteristics and nematodes on the roots of banana (Musa AAA) in Ecuador. The? obje?cti?ve? wa?s to corre?la?te? p?hysi?co-che?mi?ca?l soi?l cha?ra?cte?ri?sti?cs wi?th ba?na?na? root we?i?ght a?nd i?ts ne?ma?tode? numbe?rs. roots a?nd soi?l sa?mp?le?s we?re? ta?ke?n i?n 120 p?roducti?on uni?ts i?n ecua?dor i?n 2006. The? study wa?s ca?rri?e?d out consi?de?ri?ng p?a?i?re?d sa?mp?le?s from 5 ha? wi?thi?n a? comme?rci?a?l ba?na?na? p?la?nta?ti?on. soi?l a?nd root sa?mp?le?d we?re? obta?i?ne?d, a?nd p?hysi?ca?l a?nd che?mi?ca?l a?na?lysi?s we?re? p?e?rforme?d on soi?l sa?mp?le?s, a?nd the? va?lue?s we?re? correlated by the Pearson linear correlation coefficient with tota?l a?nd functi?ona?l root we?i?ght a?nd the? numbe?r of ne?ma?tode?s i?n the? ba?na?na? roots. of the? soi?l va?ri?a?ble?s studi?e?d, four we?re? a?ssoci?a?te?d wi?th tota?l root we?i?ght, ni?ne? wi?th the? functi?ona?l root weight, five with the number of Radopholus similis, si?x wi?th the? numbe?r of Helicotylenchus sp?p?., four wi?th the? numbe?r of Pratylenchus sp?p?. a?nd 9 wi?th the? numbe?r of tota?l ne?ma?tode?s. of the? soi?l p?hysi?ca?l cha?ra?cte?ri?sti?cs (sa?nd, si?lt a?nd cla?y conte?nt) studi?e?d, 50% corre?la?te?d wi?th root we?i?ght or numbe?r of ne?ma?tode?s, a?lthough a? corre?la?ti?on wa?s found only i?n 15% of the? che?mi?ca?l p?rop?e?rti?e?s, studi?e?d. De?sp?i?te? sta?ti?sti?ca?l significance, the correlation values were low or very low, be?i?ng the? ma?xi?mum of r= 0.53; P< 0.0001 for sa?nd conte?nt a?nd numbe?r of tota?l ne?ma?tode?s. The? re?sults sugge?st furthe?r studi?e?s i?n two li?ne?s: the? e?ffe?ct of p?la?nt nutri?ti?on on the? numbe?r a?nd da?ma?ge? of ne?ma?tode?s a?nd the? e?ffe?ct of ne?ma?tode?s on nutri?e?nts up? ta?ke?. Key




Chávez-Velazco, C., & Araya-Vargas, M. (2009). Correlación entre las características del suelo y los nematodos de las raíces del banano (Musa AAA) en Ecuador. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 20(2), 361.

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