The effect of the assessment model and assessment method at state junior high school Bula I, II, III, east Seram district

ISSN: 22783075
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This research objective is to analyze the effect of the assessment (Self assessment, Peer assessment, Written test, and Summative test) model and the assessment (Holistic rubrics and Analytical rubrics) method toward the science learning achievement and the controlling the students’ previous knowledge of mathematics. This research was conducted at State Junior High School Bula I, II, III (SMP) of the East Seram district with the population of 295 students and number of respondent is 102 student. The research method using experimental design or one way classification. The research result are the null hypothesis is rejected or the assessment (Self assessment, Peer assessment, and Written test) model are different significantly at the level 5% and the null hypothesis is rejected or the Summative test models are different significantly at the level 5%. This paper is a part of the dissertation.




Rumbalifar, A., Agung, I. G. N., & Tolla, B. (2019). The effect of the assessment model and assessment method at state junior high school Bula I, II, III, east Seram district. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(6), 88–92.

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