i 52:4 587-610 boyi chen I The Hokkiens in early modern Hoi An, Batavia, and Manila: Political agendas and selective adaptations i 52:1 67-89 grace v.s. chin I Engendering Tionghoa nationalism: Female purity in male-authored Sino-Malay novels of colonial Java i 52:1 110-132 christian daniels I Nanzhao as a Southeast Asian kingdom, c.738-902 i 52:2 188-213 michael edwards I People are obsessed with religion: The definitional dissonance of evangelical encounters in Myanmar i 52:1 49-66 sharmani patricia gabriel I Racialisation in Malaysia: Multiracialism, multiculturalism, and the cultural politics of the possible i 52:4 611-633 matthew galway I Red service-intellectual: Phouk Chhay, Maoist China, and the Cultural Revolution in Cambodia, 1964-67 i 52:2 275-308 xiaorong han I Revolution knows no boundaries? Author | title vol|issue no. page B Articles b alexandre barthel and wasana wongsurawat I The origins of the Cold War in Southeast Asia: Pre-Second World War Siamese cooperation with foreign powers against communism i 52:4 658-676 katherine a. bowie I A political archaeology of Theravada Buddhism: Unearthing the emotions of changing funerary practices in northern Thailand i 52:3 369-392 kathie carpenter I Cambodia's orphan dance shows: From cultural salvation to child exploitation?. [Extracted from the article]
The Journal of Belarusian Studies, E. (2020). Index to Volume V. The Journal of Belarusian Studies, 5(3–4), 83–85. https://doi.org/10.30965/20526512-0050304019
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