Genotype response to changeable environmental factors as ex-pressed through genotype x environment interaction offers important in-formation to breeders and growers as end users. Bulb mass and dry matter yield per bulb are major components of garlic yield and quality. The paper analyzed G x E interaction of 18 winter garlic genotypes (13 populations and five clones) across three growing seasons. Main effects of the genotype, environment and their interaction were determined applying the AMMI model. Year was the major source of variability for bulb mass (70.7%), while G x E interaction amounted to 6.18%. Dry matter yield was most variable under the effect of genotype (46.91%) and the interaction was high, 13.45%. The first principal component was important for bulb mass and dry matter yield since it explained 77.52% and 78.39% of the G x E interactions, respectively. A biplot was constructed to graphically represent the G x E interaction.Znacajnu informaciju o genotipu za oplemenjivace i proizvodjace kao krajnje korisnike, predstavlja njegov odgovor na promenljive faktore sredine, koji je izrazen preko interakcije genotipa sa spoljnom sredinom. Prinos i kvalitet belog luka predstavljeni su masom lukovice i prinosom suve materije po lukovice. U radu je analizirana G x E interakcija 18 genotipova (13 populacija i 5 klonova) jesenjeg belog luka tokom tri vegetacione sezone. Primenom AMMI modela ustanovljeni su glavni efekti genotipova za ispitivane osobine preko glavnog efekta sredine za genotipove i njihove interakcije. Najveci izvor varijabilnosti za masu lukovice imale su godine (70,7%) dok je interakcija iznosila 6,18%. Prinos suve materije je najvise varirao pod uticajem genonotipa (46,91%) i visok udeo interakcije 13,45 %. Za masu lukovice i prinos suve materije je znacajna prva glavna komponenta, kojom je objasnjeno 77,52% odnosno 78,39% G x E interakcije. Koriscen je biplot da bi se graficki predstavila G x E interakcija.
Gvozdanovic-Varga, J., Vasic, M., Cervenski, J., & Bugarski, D. (2004). Genotype and environment effects on yield and quality of winter garlic. Genetika, 36(2), 161–170.
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