A Study on Foreigner Preferences and Sensory Characteristics of Kimchi Fermented for Different Periods

  • Jung E
  • Ryu J
  • Lee S
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This study was designed to investigate foreigner preferences for the sensory characteristics of kimchi with different fermentation periods. After fermentation in a 5 freezer for 1, 7, and 15 days, Red Chinese Cabbage Kimchi, White Chinese Cabbage Kimchi, Kkakdugi, Chonggak Kimchi, Cucumber Kimchi, Green Onion Kimchi, and Mustard Kimchi were served to the respondents. The respondents had resided in Seoul and Kyunggi province for 3 years or less, and were from Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Most respondents (62.9%) consumed a Korean meal daily, and 45% of all respondents reported eating kimchi 3 or 4 times a week. As a result, it can be said that foreigners residing in Korea preferred to eat kimchi as a side dish. Based on the respondents answers, we were able to determine the relative popularity of the different types of kimchi. They were, from most popular to least popular, Red Chinese Cabbage Kimchi, Kkakdugi Kimchi, Cucumber Kimchi, White Chinese Cabbage Kimchi, Chonggak Kimchi, Green Onion Kimchi, and Mustard Kimchi. Among those fermented for 1 day, Cucumber Kimchi was most preferred for its. When evaluating the overall preference of Kimchi, the best was in the order of Chinese cabbage (red)>Kkakdugi>Cucumber>Chinese cabbage (white)>Chonggak>Green onion >Mustard Kimchi. For 1 day in a fermented period, Cucumber Kimchi had the most preferred taste (5.76), appearance (5.66), odor (5.89), and texture (5.70). However, Cucumber Kimchi was least popular after 15 days of fermentation (p<0.01). The most preferred Kimchi after 15 days of fermentation was Red Chinese Cabbage Kimchi. Among the kimchi fermented for 7 days, White Chinese Cabbage Kimchi was most preferred. While foreigners indicated that they were satisfied with all the types of kimchi fermented for 1 day and 15 days, they were not satisfied with any of the kimchi fermented for 7 days, save for the White Chinese Cabbage Kimchi. Kkakdugi Kimchi had very high satisfaction scores for appearance, but low scores in taste. On the other hand, Chinese Cabbage Kimchi had low scores in odor (5.02-5.29), but high in texture (5.37-5.62) and taste (4.80-5.30), which are not factors sensitive to a change in acidity. These results showed that foreigners were generally satisfied with Kimchi, but became less satisfied as the Kimchi ripened. Most foreigners were not satisfied with the types of Kimchi that had a strong flavor. Chinese Cabbage Kimchi became the least sour after fermentation, and Cucumber Kimchi became most sour after fermentation. key Words: Kimchi, sensory characteristics, preference, foreigner I. 서 론 전 세계적으로 국가 간 식품교류의 움직임이 활발해지고, 다양한 국적의 음식들을 즐기려는 사람들이 증가함에 따라 자국의 음식을 세계화하기 위한 많은 노력들이 진행되고 있 다. 미국 'Health Magazine'에 "김치에는 비타민 A, B, C 등이 풍부하며 건강에 좋은 박테리아인 젖산균이 많아 소화 를 도와줄 뿐만 아니라 암세포의 성장을 막는 성분들을 가 지고 있다."라는 내용의 기사가 실리면서 한국 김치의 과학 적 우수성이 세계적으로 인정을 받게 되었고(Yu 등 2009), 올리브, 치즈 등과 함께 세계 5대 건강식품으로 선정됨에 따 라, 앞으로 김치 종주국으로서 김치의 기능적 및 과학적 우 수성을 밝히기 위한 많은 노력이 필요할 것으로 생각된다. 김치는 우리 고유의 전통 발효식품으로서, 과거에는 가정




Jung, E.-H., Ryu, J.-P., & Lee, S.-I. (2012). A Study on Foreigner Preferences and Sensory Characteristics of Kimchi Fermented for Different Periods. Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture, 27(4), 346–353. https://doi.org/10.7318/kjfc/2012.27.4.346

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