A secure cloud data storage combining DNA structure and multi-aspect time-integrated cut-off potential

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Confidentiality and authentication enable cloud storage server to prove that it is storing owner’s data honestly. However, most of the constructions suffer from special update techniques and the issue of a complex data modification, which might hinder the deployment of confidentiality and authentication in practice. In this regard, we propose a DNA-based Multi-aspect Cut-off Potential (DNA-MACP) framework, by making use of DNA-based Watson–Crick–Hoogsteen and Time-Integrated Cut-off Potential to reduce the time complexity for establishing data confidentiality and space complexity by managing one-time password. Based on the intractability of the tertiary triples, a secure confidential data transaction is designed for cloud storage, where the user authentication scheme is utilised to deal with the improper data modification problem. The DNA-MACP framework enhances the authentication level of security by using both confidentiality and authentication techniques from the unauthorised user modification. The DNA-MACP framework with extensive security analysis and implementation results in reducing both time and space complexities in the business data transactions in a cloud environment.




Pragaladan, R., & Sathappan, S. (2018). A secure cloud data storage combining DNA structure and multi-aspect time-integrated cut-off potential. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Vol. 645, pp. 361–374). Springer Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-7200-0_33

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