ABSTRACTThe success of an institution of higher education is inseparable from the marketing strategy undertaken. Promotion is one of the most important marketing strategies to introduce an educational product or service, in this case are various courses to prospective students. Promotion is done to generate interest in choosing the study program that becomes the choice of pride, so it will affect the increasing number of students each course offered. UMSurabaya through promotional mix (promotional mix) offers as many as 29 courses from 8 faculties owned, one of them is Management program as an alternative choice for prospective students.This study aims to: (1) Know the promotion mix UMSurabaya. (2) To know the interest of choosing Management FEB UMSurabaya. (3) Knowing the promotion mix simultaneously affect the interest of choosing Management FEB UMSurabaya (4). Knowing the promotion mix partially affect the interest of choosing Management FEB UMSurabaya.This research uses quantitative descriptive method with questionnaire as its instrument. Population amounted to 328 students using Slovin method specified sample of 77 respondents. Data analyze using SPSS 20 software to test the validity and reliability of the instrument, and test the hypothesis.The results showed: (1) F test results obtained F-count (9,184)> F-table (2.47) which means that the promotion mix (advertising, direct selling, sales promotion, and community relations) simultaneously have a significant positive effect to the student's interest in choosing Management FEB UMSurabaya. Determinant coefficient analysis (R ²) obtained by value 33,8 indicates that student interest choose Management FEB UMSurabaya influenced by independent variable (advertising, direct selling, sales promotion and public relation) to dependent variable of interest to choose Management program 33,8%, while the remaining 66.2% is influenced by other variable factors not mentioned in this study. 2). The result of t test for advertising variable is t value (2,865)> t-table (1,984), this means that advertising variable has a significant positive effect on the interest of choosing Management FEB UMSurabaya. While the direct selling variables, sales promotion and public relations value t-count in a row (1,085), (1,521), (0,465) F-tabel (2,47) yang berarti bahwa bauran promosi(periklanan, penjualan langsung, promosi penjualan, dan hubungan masyarakat) secara simultan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap minat mahasiswa memilih prodi Manajemen FEB UMSurabaya. Analisis koefisien determinan (R²) diperoleh nilai 33,8 menunjukkan bahwa minat mahasiswa memilih prodi Manajemen FEB UMSurabaya dipengaruhi oleh variabel bebas ( periklanan, penjualan langsung, promosi penjualan dan hubungan masyarakat ) terhadap variabel dependen minat memilih prodi Manajemen sebesar 33,8%, sedangkan sisanya 66,2% dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor variabel lain yang tidak disebutkan dalam penelitian ini.2). Hasil uji t untuk variabel periklanan diperoleh nilai t-hitung (2.865) > t-tabel (1,984), ini berarti variabel periklanan memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap minat memilih prodi Manajemen FEBUMSurabaya. Sedangkan variabel penjualan langsung, promosi penjualan dan hubungan masyarakat nilai t-hitung berturut-turut (1,085), (1,521), (0,465)
Salbiyah, S., & Mahardhika, B. W. (2018). Pengaruh Bauran Promosi Terhadap Minat Memilih Prodi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Umsurabaya Tahun 2017. BALANCE: Economic, Business, Management and Accounting Journal, 15(01). https://doi.org/10.30651/blc.v15i01.1255
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