The minicolumn is considered as an elementary unit of theneocortex in all mammalian brains. It is believed thatenlargement of the cortical surface occurs as a result of theaddition of minicolumns, not a single neuron. Hence, a moderntrend to analyze developmental disorders such as dyslexia andautism is to investigate how the minicolumns in the brains ofdyslexic and autistic patients vary from the minicolumns innormal brains mapping this variation into a noninvasive imagingframework such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Casanova, M. F., Munim, H. A. E., Farag, A. A., El-Zehiry, N. Y., & Fahmi, R. (2007). Volumetric Mri Analysis Of Dyslexic Subjects Using A Level Set Framework. In Deformable Models (pp. 461–492). Springer New York.
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