Myotis keaysi Allen, 1914 Hairy-legged Myotis Myotis ruber keaysi Allen, 191 4:383 . Type locality "Inca Mines, Peru (altitude 600 0 feet; lal. 13° 30' S., long. 70° W)." Myotis nigricans keaysi: Miller and Allen , 1928:1 79. Name com-binat ion. Myotis keaysi: LaVal, 19 73:1. First use of current name combi-nat ion. CONTEXT AND CONTENT. Order Chiroptera, suborder Microch iroptera , family Vespert ilionidae, subfamily Vespertilioni-nae, subgenus Selysius (Koopman 1993) . M. keaysi was originally considered a subspec ies of M. ruber (Allen 1914), then a subspe-cies of M. nigricans (Miller and Allen 1928), and finall y an in-dependent species (LaVal 19 73). Two subspecies are recognized: M. k. keaysi Allen , 1914:383, see above. M. k. pilosatibialis laVal, 1973:24 . Type locality " 1 km W Tal-anga, Francisco Morazan , Hondu ras (altitude 750 m above sea level)."
Hernández-Meza, B., Domínguez-Castellanos, Y., & Ortega, J. (2005). Myotis keaysi. Mammalian Species, 785, 1–3.
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