Fusarium rot of onion and possible use of bioproduct

  • Klokocar-Smit Z
  • Levic J
  • Masirevic S
  • et al.
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Several species of Fusarium are causal agents of onion rot in field and storage. Most prevalent are F. oxysporum f. sp. cepae and F. solani, and recently F. proliferatum, a toxigenic species. Most frequently isolated fungi in our field experiments were F. solani and F. proliferatum with different pathogenicity. Certain differences in antagonistic activity of Trichoderma asperellum on different isolates of F. proliferatum and F. solani have been found in in vitro study in dual culture, expressed as a slower inhibition of growth of the former, and faster of the latter pathogen. Antagonistic abilities of species from genus Trichoderma (T. asperellum) are important, and have already been exploited in formulated biocontrol products in organic and conventional production, in order to prevent soil borne pathogens inducing fusarium wilt and rot. The importance of preventing onion infection by Fusarium spp., possible mycotoxin producers, has been underlined.Fuzariozna trulez luka najcesce je prouzrokovana vrstama Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae i F. solani, a i odskora i toksikogeni F. proliferatum u nasim uslovima gajenja i cuvanja luka u skladistima. Utvrdjena je najveca ucestalost F. proliferatum i F. solani na lukovicama iz polja. Razlike izolata u patogenosti ispoljile su se u razlicitom uticaju na klijanje lucica, izduzivanje klice i intenzitet propadanja. Utvrdjena je razlicita antagonisticka aktivnost Trichodrema asperellum na izolate F. proliferatum i F. solani, sporija inhibicija u slucaju prvog i izrazena u slucaju drugog patogena u in vitro ogledima. Antagonisticka svojstva vrsta iz roda Trichoderma se iskoriscavaju za formulaciju bioloskih preparata primenjivih u organskoj i konvencionalnoj proizvodnji, u prevenciji oboljenja luka koja prouzrokuju zemljisni paraziti, pre svega fuzarioznog uvenuca i trulezi. Istaknut je znacaj bioloskih preparata u zastiti zdravstvene bezbednosti proizvodjaca i potrosaca, s obzirom da su ovi patogeni potencijalni producenti mikotoksina.




Klokocar-Smit, Z., Levic, J., Masirevic, S., Grozdanovic-Varga, J., Vasic, M., & Aleksic, S. (2008). Fusarium rot of onion and possible use of bioproduct. Zbornik Matice Srpske Za Prirodne Nauke, (114), 135–148. https://doi.org/10.2298/zmspn0814135k

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