ABSTRAK Air merupakan unsur paling dibutuhkan bagi keberlangsungan hidup mahluk hidup. Peningkatan debit air pada saat musim hujan dan pengurangan debit pada saat kemarau sering di jumpai di wilayah Kelurahan Durian depun Kecamatan Merigi Kabupatan Kepahiang Provinsi Bengkulu. Metode geolistrik konfigurasi Wenner-Schlumberger diterapkan untuk menganalisis sebaran air tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada lintasan pertama sebaran air tanah menyebar ke arah utara dan selatan lintasan penelitian dengan kedalaman 2-6,67 meter dibentangan 40-50 meter dan 2-13,4 meter dibentangan 52,5-60 meter, lintasan kedua sebaran air tanah mengarah ke barat lintasan penelitian dengan kedalaman 2-9 meter dibentangan 5-15 meter dan lintasan ketiga sebaran air tanah mengarah kearah barat lintasan penelitian dengan kedalaman 2-6.67 meter dibentangan 30-35 meter, kedalam 2-6,76 meter dibentangan 40-50 dan kedalaman 2- ≤ 6,76 meter dibentangan 60-65 meter. Kata kunci: Metode geolistrik, konfigurasi Wenner-Schlumberger, dan Sebaran air tanah ABSTRACT Water is the most necessary element for the survival of living things. An increase in water discharge during the rainy season and a reduction in discharge during the dry season are often encountered in the Durian Village depun area, Merigi District, Kepahiang Regency, Bengkulu Province. The Wenner-Schlumberger configuration geoelectric method was applied to analyze the distribution of groundwater. The results showed that in the first trajectory, the distribution of groundwater spreads to the north and south of the research path with a depth of 2-6.67 meters with a span of 40-50 meters and 2-13.4 meters in a stretch of 52 5-60 meters, the second line of groundwater distribution leads to the west of the research track with a depth of 2-9 meters with a stretch of 5-15 meters and the third line of groundwater distribution leads to the west of the research track with a depth of 2-6.67 meters with a stretch of 30-35 meters, to a depth of 2-6.76 meters at a stretch of 40-50 and a depth of 2- 6.76 meters at a stretch of 60-65 meters. Keywords: Geoelectric method, Wenner-Schlumberger configuration, and groundwater distribution
Halbian, W., Purwanto, A., & Setiawan, I. (2022). ANALISIS SEBARAN AIR TANAH MENGGUNAKAN METODE GEOLISTRIK KONFIGURASI WENNER-SCHLUMBERGER UNTUK MENENTUKAN TITIK PEMBUATAN SUMUR BOR DI DURIAN DEPUN. Jurnal Kumparan Fisika, 5(2), 113–120. https://doi.org/10.33369/jkf.5.2.113-120
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