Tujuan pendirian pabrik ini adalah : Pemenuhan kebutuhan bahan pemanis sirup fruktosa di dalam negeri, meningkatkan devisa negara di sektor industry, memperluas volume produktifitas terutama bagi industri yang memerlukan sirup fruktosa. Proses pembuatan HFS dari menir dengan cara isomerisasi dibagi menjadi tiga tahap : pretreatment, hidrolisa dan isomerisasi menggunakan enzim glucoisomerisasi. Aspek kelayakan pra rencana pabrik HFS : (1) aspek ekonomi yaitu Pay Out Time, Rate of Return dan Break even Point; (2) aspek proses; (3) aspek teknik; (4) aspek manajemen perusahaan. Pra rencana pabrik HFS dalam perencanaan adalah semi kontinyu, 24 jam per hari dengan 300 hari kerja/tahun, kapasitas produksi 9475,76 ton sirup/tahun, bahan baku 2700 ton menir/tahun, konsumsi air 2308 m3/hari, steam 663 ton/hari dan listrik 150 KVA, pembiayaan modal tetap Rp. 16,17 M dan modal kerja Rp. 3,3M, hasil penjualan Rp. 23,69 M, investasi total pada akhir masa konstruksi Rp. 21,32M, laju pengembalian modal 17,83%, waktu pengembalian modal 4,41 tahun, titik impas 40,52% dan masa konstruksi 2 tahun. Secara keseluruhan dipandang dari segi teknis maupun ekonomi dapat dikatakan pra rencana pabrik High Fructose Syrup dari menir dapat dilanjutkan ke dalam tahap perencanaan. The purpose of the establishment of the factory was to meet the needs of fructose syrup in the country, increasing the country's foreign exchange in the industrial sector, expanding the productivity volume especially for industries that requires fructose syrup. The process of making high fructose syrup (HFS) from the menir by isomerization was divided into three stages: pretreatment, hydrolysis, and isomerization using glucoisomerization enzymes. Pre-feasibility aspects of HFS factory plans were: (1) economic aspects Pay Out Time, Rate of Return and Break even Point; (2) process aspects; (3) technical aspects; (4) aspects of company management. The pre plan of the HFS factory in planning was semi-continuous, 24 hours per day with 300 working days/year, production capacity of 9475.76 tons of syrup/year, raw material of 2,700 tons of menir/year, water consumption of 2,308 m3/day, steam of 663 tons/days and 150 KVA electricity, fixed capital financing of Rp. 16.17 M and working capital of Rp. 3.3M, sales of Rp. 23.69 M, Rp. 21.32M of total investment at the end of the construction period, 17.83%, rate of return on capital, 4.41 years of capital payback period, 40.52% break-even point and 2 year construction period. Overall, in terms of technical and economic aspects, it could be said that the pre-plan of the High Fructose Syrup plant from menir could be continued into the planning stage.
Djoa, D. D., Hadi, B. S., & Mahayasa, I. G. A. (2019). Pra Rencana Pabrik High Fructose Syrup Dari Menir. Talenta Conference Series: Science and Technology (ST), 2(1), 101–107. https://doi.org/10.32734/st.v2i1.324
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