Statistical Complexity and Fisher-Shannon Information: Applications

  • López-Ruiz R
  • Sañudo J
  • Romera E
  • et al.
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In this chapter, a statistical measure of complexity and the Fisher-Shannon information product are introduced and their properties are discussed. These measures are based on the interplay between the Shannon information, or a function of it, and the separation of the set of accessible states to a system from the equiprobability distribution, i.e. the disequilibrium or the Fisher information, respectively. Different applications in discrete and continuous systems are shown. Some of them are concerned with quantum systems, from prototypical systems such as the H-atom, the harmonic oscillator and the square well to other ones such as He-like ions, Hooke's atoms or just the periodic table. In all of them, these statistical indicators show an interesting behavior able to discern and highlight some conformational properties of those systems.




López-Ruiz, R., Sañudo, J., Romera, E., & Calbet, X. (2011). Statistical Complexity and Fisher-Shannon Information: Applications. In Statistical Complexity (pp. 65–127). Springer Netherlands.

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