We show that the nonlinear transport of bosonic excitations in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice of spin-orbit-coupled Rydberg atoms gives rise to disordered quantum phases which are topological and may be candidates for quantum spin liquids. As recently demonstrated by Lienhard et al. [Phys. Rev. X 10, 021031 (2020)2160-330810.1103/PhysRevX.10.021031] the spin-orbit coupling breaks time-reversal and chiral symmetries and leads to a tunable density-dependent complex hopping of spin excitations which behave as hard-core bosons. Using exact diagonalization (ED), we numerically investigate the phase diagram resulting from the competition between density-dependent and direct transport terms as well as density-density interactions. In mean-field approximation there is a phase transition from a condensate to a 120∘ phase when the amplitude of the complex hopping exceeds that of the direct one. In the full model a new phase emerges close to the mean-field critical point as a result of quantum correlations induced by the density dependence of the complex hopping. We show that without density-density interactions this phase is a genuine disordered one, has large spin chirality, and is characterized by a nontrivial many-body Chern number. The Chern number is found to be robust to disorder. ED simulations of small lattices with up to 30 lattice sites give indications for a nondegenerate ground state with finite spin and collective gaps and thus for a bosonic integer quantum Hall phase, protected by U(1) symmetry. On the other hand, while staying finite, the many-body gap varies substantially when different twisted boundary conditions are applied, which points to a gapless phase. For very strong negative nonlinear hopping amplitudes we find another disordered regime with vanishing spin gap. This phase also has a large spin chirality and could be a gapless spin liquid but lies outside the parameter regime experimentally accessible in the Rydberg system.
Ohler, S., Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, M., & Fleischhauer, M. (2023). Quantum spin liquids of Rydberg excitations in a honeycomb lattice induced by density-dependent Peierls phases. Physical Review Research, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.013157
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