Background: In stroke, there is loss of basic hand function like straightening of the fingers, grip strength andgrasping of the item which make dependent for their basic activity of daily living. The Saebo-FlexTM orthoticis a mechanical device, which enables an individual to open hand, pick up the objects and release during tasksorientedexercises. It facilitating thumb and finger extension movements by recruiting voluntary thumb and fingerflexor movement.Objectives: To determine the effect of FES along with Saebo-FlexTM device on Fugl Meyer assessment score forupper extremity, on Grip Strength, on Pinch Strength and on Hand Dexterity.Methodology: 20 participants were randomly divided into experimental (Saebo-FlexTM hand orthosis + FES +Conventional physiotherapy) and control (FES + conventional physiotherapy) group. Intervention was given for45min/session, 5 session/ week for 6 weeks. Assessment was done using Fugl Meyer assessment-upper extremity,Chedock hand inventory programme, Nine-hole peg test, Hand dynamometer and Pinch gauge on Day 0,Day 12 and Day 42 of the intervention period.Results: The results were found to be non-significant (p>0.05) for all outcome measures. Statistically significantresults were obtained for FMA-UE (p=0.018) on comparison of mean difference scores at Day 0, and Day 42,CAHAI scores (p=0.011) on comparison of mean difference scores at Day 0 and Day 42.Conclusion: According to finding, the integrated intervention of Saebo-FlexTM device along with FunctionalElectrical Stimulation can be used effectively to improve the upper extremity motor functions in sub acute strokesurvivors.
Neha Kumari, Narkeesh Arumugam, & Divya Midha. (2022). Effect of SaeboTM Orthosis Along with Functional Electrical Stimulation on Hand Function in Patients with Subacute Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy - An International Journal, 16(3), 61–66.
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