Globalization and structuralchanges at theeconomic, social and politicallevelshavemodifiedtherelationaldynamics in society and havegiven a leading role to consumption (BAUMANN, 2007), a situationthattranscendsallages.A particularlyrelevantsegmentisthechildren, who faces thedemands of the social environment and experiencestheconstructionidentity in anenvironment of highcommodification.Thisarticledealswiththedescription and analysis of levels of economiccompressionfromchildhood and theactors and processesthatshapestheeconomicsocialization, defined as a process of learningpatterns of interactionwiththeeconomicworld (DENEGRI et al., 2004). Basedon a Piagetianconstructivist approach, a model of economic and financialeducationisproposedthatarticulate eswiththerequirements of citizeneducation. Itconcludeswithreflectionsontheimportance of economic and financialeducationforthedevelopment of a critically and economicallyempoweredcitizenshipfromchildhood.
Coria, M., Aravena, J., & Layera, F. (2018). Comprender la economía: Educación económica y financiera en la infancia desde una perspectiva. Ensino Em Re-Vista, 25(1), 53–81.
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