Penelitian ini memaparkan analisis bioekonomi pemanfaatan sumber daya ikan tenggiri pada berbagai rezim melalui Model Gordon Schaefer dengan model estimasi parameter biologi CYP serta arah kebijakan pengelolaannya di Kabupaten Indramayu. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Bulan Februari-Juli 2014 dengan metode survey melalui analisis kuantitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan laju pertumbuhan intrinsik (r) adalah 10,291 ton/tahun, koefisien daya tangkap (q) adalah 0,001673 ton/trip, daya dukung lingkungan adalah 250,028 ton/tahun, biaya (c) adalah 1,762 Rp/trip dan harga (p) adalah 30,750 Rp/ton. Upaya maksimum lestari (EMSY) yaitu 3076 trip/tahun dengan nilai produksi maksimum lestari (hMSY) sebesar 643,260 ton/tahun. Upaya MEY (EMEY) sebesar 2654 trip/tahun dengan produksi (hMEY) sebesar 631,141 ton/tahun. Upaya penangkapan perikanan terbuka (Eoa) adalah 5.308 trip/tahun dengan produksi (hOA) sebesar 304,689 ton/tahun. Kegiatan pemanfaatan menunjukkan tangkap lebih secara biologi dan ekonomi. Implementasi kebijakan dari penelitian ini adalah pembatasan upayasebesar 314-736 trip, pengaturan armada alat tangkap jaring insang hanyut adalah 353-409 unit, payang 0-5 GT adalah 409-474 unit, payang > 5-10 GT adalah 73-85 unit, Jumlah tangkapan diperbolehkan ikantenggiri sebesar 514,608 ton dengan kuota jaring insang hanyut sebesar 485,680 ton, payang 0-5 GT sebesar 5,772 ton, payang > 5-10 GT sebesar 23,156 ton, pengaturan teknis lainnya (perlindungan SDAdan DPI, pengawasan pemanfaatan sumber daya dan pungutan perikanan tangkap).Title: Bioeconomic Analysis of Narrow-barred Spanish Mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) in The Water of Indramayu Regency West JavaThis research analyzed bioeconomic modelling of narrow-barred spanish mackerel in every fisheries management regime through Gordon Schaefer Model and CYP Parameter Estimation model, also a direction of its management policy in Indramayu Region. This research was conducted from February to July 2014, survey method and descriptive quantitative analysis were used in carrying out this research. The results of this research indicated that intrinsic growth parameter (r) of narrow-barredspanish mackerel approximately 10,291 ton/year, catchability coefficient (q) was about 0,001673 ton/trip, carrying capacity (K) reached at 250,028 ton/year, cost (c) was 1,762 Rp/trip and price (p) was 30,750Rp/ton. Maximum sustainable yield fishing effort (EMSY) reached at 3,076 trip/year with productionof MSY (hMSY) approximately 643,260 ton/year. MEY fishing effort (EMEY) reached 2,654 trip/year with MEY production (hMEY) Approximately 631,141 ton/year. Open access fishing effort (Eoa) reached about 5.308 trip/year with production (hOA) approximately 304,689 ton/year. Harvesting of narrow-barred spanish mackerel indicated biological and economic overfishing. The implementation from this research results were conducting limited entry for 314-736 trip; controlling fishing fleet for each fishing gear: gill net (< 5 GT) was about 353-409 unit, seine net (< 5 GT) was about 409-474 unit, others seine net (>5- 10GT) was 73-85 unit; Total Allowable catch of narrow-barred spanish mackerel was about 514,608 ton with quote for every fishing gear: gill net was about 485,680 ton, seine net (<5GT) approximately 5,772 ton,others seine net (>5-10GT) was about 23,156 ton; and others in technical control (natural resources and fishing ground conservation, controlling of natural resources harvesting and fishing fee aplication).
Hakim, L. L., Anna, Z., & Junianto, J. (2014). ANALISIS BIOEKONOMI SUMBER DAYA IKAN TENGGIRI (Scomberomorus commerson) DI PERAIRAN KABUPATEN INDRAMAYU JAWA BARAT). Jurnal Kebijakan Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan Dan Perikanan, 4(2), 117.
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