The presence of endogenous phosphorylase kinase and phosphorylase phosphatase in crude extracts of fat bodies from the cockroaches Nauphoeta cinerea and Periplaneta americana is demonstrated in vitro by activation/inactivation of glycogen phosphorylase under appropriate conditions. Fractionation of fat body extracts of both cockroach species on an anion-exchange medium results in the elution of three peaks with phosphorylase activity. According to their AMP dependency these activity peaks are designated as phosphorylase b (inactive without AMP), phosphorylase ab (active without AMP, but several times stimulated with AMP) and phosphorylase a (active without AMP). It is shown chromatographically that incubating crude extracts of fat bodies from both cockroaches, under conditions where the phosphorylase kinase is active, results in all phosphorylase b being converted to the ab- or a-form, whereas under conditions where the phosphorylase phosphatase is active all phophorylase a is converted to the ab- or b-form. Endogenous phosphorylase kinase of N. cinerea crude fat body extract can convert vertebrate phosphorylase b into the a-form, and, conversely, vertebrate muscle phosphorylase kinase and phosphorylase phosphatase, respectively, are able to convert partially purified N. cinerea phosphorylase ab or b and the ab- und a-form, respectively. In resting cockroaches most of the phosphorylase activity resides in the b-form and only a small fraction (10%) in the a-form, whereas between 26% (N. cinerea) and 35% (P. americana) occurs in the ab-form. Injection of endogenous hypertrehalosaemic peptides into N. cinerea (the deca- peptide Bld-HrTH) or P. americana (the two octapeptides Pea-CAH-I and II) causes interconversion of phosphorylase; after injection, mainly (60%) phosphorylase a is present, while 25% and 15% exists in the ab- und b-form, respectively. Purification of the three phosphorylase forms from N. cinerea is achieved by anion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel followed by affinity chromatography on AMP-Sepharose. The final specific activities are 2.1, 6.9 and 27.2 U/mg protein for the a-, ab- und b-form. The molecular mass of the active molecules on gel filtration is between 173, 000 and 177, 000, and SDS gel electrophoresis reveals a subunit mass of 87, 100, suggesting a homodimeric structure for all three forms. Kinetic studies show hyperbolic saturation curves for the substrates glycogen and Pi? respectively, with KM-values of 0.021, 0.019 and 0.073% for glycogen and 8.3, 6.3 and 17.9 mM for Pj (a-, ab- and b-form). Phosphorylase a exhibits a more or less hyperbolic response to AMP and needs 70 jim AMP for maximal stimulation. The kinetics for the ab- and b-forms are sigmoidal and maximal activities are displayed at about 3 mM (half-maximum activation as calculated from Hill plots are 55 and 280 pM for the ab- und b-form, respectively). Caffeine is a strong inhibitor of the b-form, but has only a slight inhibiting effect (10-20%) on the ab- and a-form in the presence of AMP. © 1991, Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. All rights reserved.
Gäde, G. (1991). Glycogen Phosphorylase in the Fat Body of Two Cockroach Species, Periplaneta americana and Nauphoeta cinerea: Isolation, Partial Characterization of Three Forms and Activation by Hypertrehalosaemic Hormones. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung - Section C Journal of Biosciences, 46(1–2), 149–162.
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