This is a reprinting of the second, revised, edition, the first edition having appeared in 1945, and an English edition in 1947 see A. B. A., 14: 126 and A. B. A., 16, No. 1634]. The book is well produced and contains one new chapter on artificial insemination in dogs written by Ellis P. Leonard. This describes the reproductive cycle in the bitch, the occasions when artificial insemination is necessary, the method of semen collection and insemination. Apart from this chapter there is not very much new material-this edition takes one up to 1952- and it is not, therefore, altogether up to date. The main criticisms are that very little is said about the development of deep-freezing of bull semen-for instance the pioneer work of British research workers is dismissed in one sentence and there is next to nothing about the role of artificial insemination in livestock improvement. The three chapters on elementary genetics are retained almost unaltered. These chapters, which an earlier reviewer considered out of place in this book, should, in the present reviewer's opinion, have been rewritten in the light of present-day genetical teaching. Much new thinking on such aspects as population genetics, progeny testing and sire selection could have been incorporated by 1952. As it is, there is not a single reference to recent work by Alan Robertson and his co-workers at Edinburgh. Judged in this way, the book is not likely to be of great value to people who wish to obtain an up-to-date picture of the use of artificial insemination in the improvement of farm animals. J. P. MAULE.
Bartlett, F. D. (1961). The Artificial Insemination of Farm Animals. Journal of Dairy Science, 44(5), 982.
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