In the original publication of the article, the formatting of the last column of Table 1 was incorrectly displayed. This has been corrected with this Correction. (Table presented.). T treatment, C comparison, Avg. average, Found. Foundational, PA phonological awareness, WR & S word reading and spelling, Comp. comprehension, Vocab. vocabulary, GMRT gates-MacGinitie Reading Test, WRMT woodcock reading mastery test, TOWRE test of word reading efficiency, TOSREC test of silent reading efficiency and comprehension, PPVT peabody picture vocabulary test * Unstandardized outcome ** Average performance at pretest was determined using available standard scores.
Donegan, R. E., & Wanzek, J. (2021, October 1). Correction to: Effects of reading interventions implemented for upper elementary struggling readers: a look at recent research (Reading and Writing, (2021), 34, 8, (1943-1977), 10.1007/s11145-021-10123-y). Reading and Writing. Springer Science and Business Media B.V.
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