From Engel to Enactivism

  • Aftab A
  • Nielsen K
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In this article we offer a two-part commentary on Bolton and Gillett’s reconceptualization of Engel’s biopsychosocial model. In the first section we present a conceptual and historical assessment of the biopsychosocial model that differs from the analysis by Bolton and Gillett. Specifically, we point out that Engel in his vision of the biopsychosocial model was less concerned with the ontological possibility and nature of psychosocial causes, and more concerned with psychosocial influences in the form of illness interpretation and presentation, sick role, seeking or rejection of care, the doctor-patient therapeutic relationship, and role of personality factors and family relationships in recovery from illness, etc. On the basis of this assessment, we then question Bolton and Gillett’s restricted focus on accounting for biopsychosocial causal interactions. The second section compares Bolton and Gillett’s account with a recent enactivist account of mental disorder that tackles similar conceptual problems of causal interactions. Bolton and Gillett’s utilize elements of the 4E cognition, but they combine these proto-ideas with an information-processing paradigm. Given their explicit endorsement of 4E approaches to mind and cognition, we illustrate some key ways in which a more fleshed out enactive account, particularly one that doesn’t rely on notions of information-processing, differs from the account proposed by Bolton and Gillett.U ovom članku nudimo dvodijelni komentar na Boltonovu i Gillettovu rekonceptualizaciju Engelovog biopsihosocijalnog modela. U prvom dijelu predstavljamo pojmovnu i povijesnu procjenu biopsihosocijalnog modela koja se razlikuje od Boltonove i Gillettove analize. Konkretnije, ističemo da se Engel u svojoj viziji biopsihosocijalnog modela manje bavio ontološkom mogućnošću i prirodom psihosocijalnih uzroka, a više se bavio psihosocijalnim utjecajima u obliku interpretacije i prezentacije bolesti, uloge bolesnika, traženja ili odbijanja skrbi, terapijski odnos liječnik-pacijent, te uloga osobnosti i obiteljskih odnosa u oporavku od bolesti, itd. Na temelju ove procjene onda dovodimo u pitanje ograničeni fokus Boltona i Gilletta na objašnjenje biopsihosocijalnih uzročno-posljedičnih interakcija. Drugi dio uspoređuje Boltonovu i Gillettovu teoriju s nedavnim enaktivističkom teorijom mentalnog poremećaja koja se bavi sličnim pojmovnim problemima uzročno-posljedičnih interakcija. Bolton i Gillett koriste elemente 4E spoznaje, ali kombiniraju ove proto-ideje s paradigmom obrade informacija. S obzirom na njihovo eksplicitno prihvaćanje 4E pristupa umu i spoznaji, ilustriramo neke ključne načine na koje se detaljniji enaktivno objašnjenje, osobito ono koje se ne oslanja na pojmove obrade informacija, razlikuje od objašnjenja koje su predložili Bolton i Gillett.




Aftab, A., & Nielsen, K. (2021). From Engel to Enactivism. European Journal of Analytic Philosophy, 17(2), 5–22.

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