Effect of binaural hearing AIDS on the improvement of the maximum discrimination score

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As the benefit of binaural hearing has become increasingly apparent, the use of binaural hearing aids and cochlear implants should be considered when possible. We report two cases in which the patients had poor maximum discrimination scores at their first visit but showed an improvement to a sufficiently practical discrimination level after using binaural hearing aids for 1 year. The maximum discrimination scores for the two subjects were 30% and 55%, respectively, at the time of their first visits, and these scores improved to 80% and 95%, respectively, with the use of binaural hearing aids. The hearing loss in each case was characteristic of a bilateral horizontal type, in pure tone audiogram, with severe tinnitus. The improvement was due primarily to the use of binaural hearing aids, proper fitting of the hearing aids, and hearing training.




Kobayashi, M., Tsuge, H., Miyake, A., & Sone, M. (2018). Effect of binaural hearing AIDS on the improvement of the maximum discrimination score. Journal of Otolaryngology of Japan, 121(10), 1273–1278. https://doi.org/10.3950/jibiinkoka.121.1273

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