Arsitektur lumbung padi Desa Sinabun dibuat sesuai dengan fungsi awal sebagai tempat menyimpan panen padi. Arsitektur lumbung padi di Desa Sinabun dibuat menggunakan ukuran-ukuran tradisional Bali. Tetapi sejak bulan Juni tahun 2016, lumbung padi di Desa Sinabun sudah tidak difungsikan sebagai tempat menyimpan hasil panen, tetapi sudah beralih fungsi menjadi tempat hunian. Sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk. (1) mengetahui kapan lumbung padi di Desa Sinabun berubah fungsinya dan (2) mengetahui bagian–bagian yang diubah pada arsitektur lumbung padi tradisional di Desa Sinabun. Ditinjau dari tujuan, penelitian ini menggunakan Metode deskriptif kualitatif serta unsur instrumen yang diguanakan berupa alat yaitu kamera hp, ceck list, tape recorder dan buku. Dari hasil penelitian langsung di lapangan ada tiga bagian lumbung padi yang mengalami perubahan, yaitu (1) Bagian kepala rangka atap (super struktur). (2) Bagian badan (upper struktur). (3) Bagian kaki (sub struktur). Kata Kunci : Arsitektur, Lumbung Padi, Desa Sinabun The architecture of the village granary of Sinabun was made in accordance with the initial function as a place to store the rice harvest. The architecture of the rice barn in the village of Sinabun was made by using traditional Balinese sizes. But since June 2016, the rice barn in the village of Sinabun had not been used as a place to store crops, but it was already switched function to a shelter. So, this study was aimed at (1) knowing when the rice barn in Sinabun Village changed its function and (2) knowing the revised parts of the traditional rice barn architecture in Sinabun Village. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative method and instruments used in the form of the tool were camera, Checklist and tape recorder. Based on the results of direct research, there were three parts of the rice barn that experienced a change, those were (1) The head of the roof frame (super structure), (2) Body parts (upper structure), and (3) Legs (sub-structures). keyword : Architecture, granary Rice, Sinabun Village
. D. P. B. Y., . Drs. G. E. H. K., & . Dra. L. S. (2017). ARSITEKTUR LUMBUNG PADI DESA SINABUN. Jurnal Pendidikan Seni Rupa Undiksha, 7(2).
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