Mooring Design for WECs

  • Bergdahl L
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The goal of the chapter is that the reader shall be able to self-dependently make a first, preliminary analysis of wave-induced horizontal forces, motions and mooring tensions for a moored floating wave energy device. Necessary prerequisites to attain that goal are the understanding of the physical phenomena, awareness of simplifying assumptions and some insight into the available mathematical and numerical tools. It is demanding to establish the hydrodynamic forces and reactions for wave-energy devices, because they may undergo very large resonant motions, have very complex shapes being composed of articulated connected bodies or involve a net flow of water through the device. This makes it difficult to use conventional potential methods. Most devices need undergo extensive tank and field testing. However, here we will sketch simplified methods for first estimates of environmental forces, response forces, and response motions useful in the concept stage and for planning tank tests.




Bergdahl, L. (2017). Mooring Design for WECs (pp. 159–202).

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