王文基,〈設立示範村:戴仁壽與日治時期臺灣的癩病傳教醫療〉近年來因捷運工程面臨拆遷的危險,再加上台、韓籍癩病病患於殖民時期被強制隔離而向日本政府求償等問題,樂生療養院及癩病歷史引發社會大眾高度興趣,學界也多有研究。相較之下,臺灣另一個癩病療養機構樂山園的歷史,以及西方傳教醫療在臺灣癩病防治上所扮演的角色,迄今認識尚嫌不足。本文運用一九二○、三○年代教會檔案、樂山園創辦者戴仁壽醫師的私人信函,以及當時醫學圖書、期刊等文獻,對樂山園的興建過程,以及初期經營的情況進行歷史研究。此外,樂山園的創設與經營並非單純醫療宣教士的個人行誼,而應放在二十世紀初殖民公共衛生防治的發展,以及傳教醫學高度參與癩病防治的脈絡下討論。最後,藉由戴仁壽對日治時期臺灣癩病醫療與防治工作的觀察,可清楚看出西方傳教醫學以及日本殖民醫學間的互動。而他對日本殖民政府的批評,或可修正日本殖民政府在台創設「普遍」且「發達」的公共衛生設施此一傳統形象。 At a time when colonial governments were reluctant to launch comprehensive anti-leprosy programmes in the first half of the twentieth century, international charity organisations and medical missionary workers were keen on tackling this highly moralised disease. The same applied in colonial Taiwan under Japanese rule. Following the works of Michael Worboys, Sanjiv Kakar and others, the present study looks into the work of charitable and religious organisations through a historical account of the career of the Canadian leprologist Dr George Gushue-Taylor (1883–1954).
Wang, W.-J. (2007). `Laying Out a Model Village’: George Gushue-Taylor and Missionary Leprosy Work in Colonial Taiwan. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal, 1(1), 111–133. https://doi.org/10.1215/s12280-007-9007-4
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